Sunday, January 29, 2012

Above the Influence

The "fiesta scene" is very different here.  Or maybe it's the same, but I wouldn't know as the bars are a novel concept to me.  Pretty much everywhere serves alcohol (liquor license? Nahhh...), the drinking age is 18, and it was legal until fairly recently to drink in public.

Near my house is a nice little street called "El Betis."  It is right on the river, and is basically a string of bars and fun little dance clubs.  You can watch Flamenco shows most nights, take chupitos for a euro, or just sit by the water and drink straight out of the 70-cent boxed wine you bought from the grocery store.

I thought when someone said "Let's go to the discotecas!" that they were joking.  Nope!  "Disco" doesn't mean tight flared pants and big hair here.  Discotechas are the place to BE on a Friday or Saturday (Sometimes Thursday) night.  They don't fill up until around 3am, and many don't open until 2 in the morning.  Last night (this morning?) Monica and I went to Abril, a hawt new discotecha for all the hip young chicas and muchachos.  We were just chillin' on the dance floor, doing our thang, you know, jamming out the do-si-do, the macarena, and the mashed potato.  We had a great time with the locals, but decided to leave when she realized someone stole her wallet.  It looks like not all of our new Spanish friends are the kind of people you want to get groovy with.

But no worries, a nice taxi cab took us both home by 6am so we could then sleep most of the day away.  Now it is 2 in the morning as I write this, and have officially been awake and functioning for 12 hours.  Class in the morning!

Bring it on, Spain.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Courtney. I may need to come and get you earlier than I thought!
