I have now had a home in Spain for just over 24 hours. Mi casa is BEAUTIFUL. I will take a picture tomorrow so you can see it...it's dark now.
My host mom, Rosa, is very nice and patient with my Spanish (muchas gracias!). My roommate Sarah and I are getting along famously in our shared room. During dinner tonight we were talking about our favorite television programs and movies, and Rosa mentioned "El principe de Belare," but with her accent it took us a minute to figure out what she was saying. As it turns out, my host mom used to love The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! And obvi, Sarah and I know all the lyrics to the theme song:
NOW this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside-down
And I'd like to take a moment just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air...
Really. I highly recommend it.
I toured Sevilla for most of today, and only got a little lost on the way home. No worries, I've got my route home all figured out now. Sevilla. Is. Beautiful. I will put pictures on Facebook so you can see this incredible place where I have the privilege of living. Here's one with my friends and I standing on the bridge I will cross every day on my way to school:
It's sunny and 60s here, and I have yet to see any threatening clouds on the horizon. I don't think the word "thankful" quite matches how I'm feeling here, but it will have to work. I am so thankful!
I am so glad you are getting settled and learning how to get around. No more getting lost, though, k? Enjoy some sun for us poor people in Twin Falls--snowy, rainy, yucky weather here! Lots of love, mom