Friday, January 13, 2012

Single and a Virgin

Hello all!

I am officially on my way to Spain for my semester abroad.  This morning I said farewell to the great city of Twin Falls and all I hold dear in Windmill Heights.  I have been preparing to leave for weeks and months, but this week really cranked up the emotion as I said farewell to my extensive network of Magic Valley friends ( was the cat), homegrown potatoes, the power to drive, and my ever-growing family.  I have been told to "be careful," and "don't get married," about a hundred times...not without good reason, as it runs in the family to travel to Europe and run off with a native.  

So on one of my last nights in the state of Idaho, I asked my dad an important question:
"How would you rather me come back in five months, married or pregnant?"

Disgusted, Andy Barry thought for a second, leaned across the table, and replied,
 "I just want you to come back single and a virgin."  

Neato skeeto, we're being totally honest here!!
Anyway, in two and a half hours I will board a plane to Dallas to spend a few days with brother Jim and his wifey Melissa.  I am now cell phone-less and a pay phone has stolen from me something I cannot ever get back.  Next time, I will find the refund button before I dial.  Look at me, learning new things already!


  1. Haha! Love it! Good advice Andy Barry :) Miss you already girl. Let's skype when you're over there!!! Hugs,
    Kristen Hamm

  2. Enjoy your time little white girl!!! Love you!
    Cousin Meghan:)

  3. I'm very excited for you Court! Have so much fun and remember, "Only the good die young" ;)
    Cousin Katie
