Today I went to Don Diego for coffee with Mama Rosa, and as I met her Spanish friends I was reminded of an interesting phenomenon that occurs here. Whenever I meet someone (and don't think I'm special, this happens to every woman here), I am called "guapa," "guapissima," "bonita," etc., before my name is even mentioned. Now unless a frat guy is creepin' hardcore, this never happens in the states.
Por ejemplo (in Spanish):
Rosa, "This is my host daughter, she is from the United States."
Stranger, "Ooh, how pretty, you are very beautiful, how do you like Sevilla?"
My question is, how does one respond to this? That scene from Mean Girls flashes through my mind each time:
Regina: "But you're, like, really pretty."
Cady: "Thank you."
Regina: "So you agree?"
Cady: "What?"
Regina: "You think you're really pretty?"
In case you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this 3-second clip:
I've just refrained from acknowledging the "pretty" part, so as to not repeat the aforementioned scene in Spanish. I'm sticking with my polite, slightly-puzzled smile as I meet new Spanish friends. Ignore the awkward comments, power straight through to:
"Me llamo Courtney. Encantada."
I think it's going to be a rude awakening when I return home and only my dad calls me pretty.
I'm sure your brothers too will call you pretty when you get home ... :)