Thursday, February 9, 2012

Trip to la Farmacia

I was tired of keeping Sarah up all night with my incessant coughing, so I ventured to the neighborhood pharmacy the other day.  When I walked in the door I realized that I had no idea how to ask for cough syrup and cough drops.  In my years of studying Spanish, not one chapter of our activity books has ever been titled "Hacking up a Lung."  Strange.  In my foggy-headed haze, I got bashful and forgot how to form a proper sentence in this new language of mine.  The pharmacist totally spotted the American as soon as I walked in the door (darn that blonde hair) and tried to keep from smiling at my attempts to explain what I needed...

"Yo medicina que es contra la tos...como...*HACKOUGHECH* mas tos durante la noche.  Sabes?"

She got it! It was harder to explain cough drops, though...

"La dulce que come durante el dia mas tos...comer la dulce, y no mas tos.  Si?"

Somehow I ended up with a bottle of cheap cough syrup and a box of funny tasting tablets that do indeed work against "la tos."  The syrup is a blackish-brown substance, and tastes as sketchy as it looks.  It is certainly no NyQuil (sigh).

Here's to no more coughing.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Haha pharmacies are the worst! The one in Puntarenas knew me by name at the end of the summer ;)
