Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bonjour, Mr. Eiffel

So, this was my night...

Maddy, Monica, and I have officially begun our travels together.  For the next couple of weeks we will be bopping around Europe; trying the different cuisine, sitting on various grassy knolls, and playing by famous national monuments.

We are starting in Paris.

The first hostel on our two-week tour has a view of the Eiffel Tower, if you walk outside and crane your neck.  They also provide sheets if you have 7 euro you're not doing anything with. 

Yesterday, we had one thing on our agenda:
The Eiffel Tower.

We climbed it (668 steps before they let us use the elevator), gawked at it, took dozens of obnoxious photos with it (No, I'm sure I'm the first to jump in front of the Eiffel Tower), stared some more, then enjoyed the sunset with a bottle of wine (alright, 5) and some Pizza Hut.

We would have enjoyed the foie gras for dinner, but I am not quite sure that that is...and my fancy food fund was spent on not sleeping directly on a bare mattress

I'm in Paris.  

I'll say it again, because I will never ever get tired of saying that.

I'm in Paris.

Mm, quite.

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