Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hallo from Gent!

For the past week I have been bopping around Belgium, then Spain, and back to Belgium with my mom! We have been having a lovely time together in Europe.

I have had very limited access to Internet/English keyboards/Time to myself, so I have been amiss with my blogs as of late. However, she brought me one of those fancy machines from the states that the kids these days are calling "The iPhone," so I have some access to the inter-webs via this shiny apparatus. The keyboard and baby-sized screen are not very conducive to extensive writing, so this will be brief...
No actually, she´s my mom, not my sister.

Who: Susan and Courtney Barry, with our BFF Nathalie (see Dia de Andalucia blog from March), who was our Rotary exchange student 18 years ago.

Where: This weekend, Gent.  But today, a day-trip to Brugge!

Belgium: So great I had to come back.

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